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Grade 5


How to Use These Resources

TVO Learn is designed to meet each student where they are on their learning journey. Learning Activities are comprehensive and require guided instruction from an adult, while Resources for Learning, Apply the Learning prompts and Vocabulary lists work well to reinforce specific skills or to enable independent exploration of a subject. Use these helpful tips to get the most from TVO Learn.

Curriculum Overview

Throughout this grade, in order to promote a positive identity as a math learner, to foster well-being and the ability to learn, build resilience, and thrive, students will apply, to the best of their ability, a variety of social-emotional learning skills to support their use of the mathematical processes and their learning in connection with the expectations in the other five strands of the mathematics curriculum. 

Students continue to develop healthy relationship skills while working with numbers. Students play games that involve fractions, decimals and whole numbers. They also learn how to have positive interactions and be patient with others as students take different amounts of time to figure out the answer when it is their turn. 

The mathematics curriculum is divided into six strands:

  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes
  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Data
  • Spatial Sense
  • Financial Literacy

Interested in learning more? View Curriculum
For French resources, please visit idello.org

Learning Activities

Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.

Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.

Learning Activities
Almost there!

To access this learning activity, please visit this page in a desktop or tablet browser.

Students continue to work with Numbers up to 100,000. Students are introduced to percents and continue to build their understanding of decimals and fractions. Students are introduced to adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Students are expected to know multiplication facts from 0 × 0 to 12 × 12. They also solve problems involving more than one operation with whole and decimal Numbers.

Students continue to classify patterns as repeating, growing and shrinking. Students begin to write and solve Algebraic equations involving whole numbers, such as 3 + x = 24 - 5. Students apply their understanding of multiplication and ratios to create and execute code for patterns that grow. They use the process of mathematical modelling to solve problems drawn from real life, such as creating a design for a school playground and calculating how much the play structures they have chosen would cost.

Learning Activity 1
Learning Activity 2
Working with Patterns
Learning Activity 4
Graphing Patterns
Learning Activity 5
Unknown Values
Learning Activity 6
Translate Expressions
Learning Activity 7
Evaluate Expressions
Learning Activity 8
Solving Equations
Learning Activity 10
Unplugged – If…Then…
Learning Activity 12
Algebra Conditionals

Students learn about the importance of using various sampling techniques to get “good” Data. They create infographics and learn how to identify when graphs are misleading. Students begin to use experiments to understand the concept of probability.

Learning Activity 1
Samples vs. Populations
Learning Activity 2
Collecting Data
Learning Activity 3
Organizing Data
Learning Activity 4
Displaying Data
Learning Activity 5
Representations of Data
Learning Activity 6
Mean, Median, and Mode
Learning Activity 8
Misleading Graphs
Learning Activity 10
Theoretical Probability

The development of spatial sense continues as students study the triangle. Students learn the characteristics and properties of different kinds of triangles, including their angles and measurements. Work continues in understanding and using the metric system to measure length, area, mass and capacity, and to convert from larger units to smaller ones.

Students learn about different ways to transfer money between people and organizations, such as e-transfers and cheques. They calculate the total cost and change required for cash transactions involving items priced in dollars and cents, using mental math and other strategies. Students will learn how to determine the best value for an item – for example, five apples for $1.00 versus three apples for 75 cents. Students prepare basic budgets and learn about the concepts of credit and debt.

Learning Activity 1
Ways of Transferring Money
Learning Activity 2
Money as an Exchange
Learning Activity 4
Learning Activity 5
Learning Activity 6
Transaction Costs
Learning Activity 7
Value of Goods
Learning Activity 8
Value of Services
Learning Activity 9
What is the Cost of Debt?
Learning Activity 10
Learning How to Budget
Learning Activity 11
Saving for Short-Term Goals
Learning Activity 12
Financial Well-Being

Resources for Learning

Chosen by TVO educators, these resources support the curriculum outlined above. Review the below list of options along with the activities. Then, read, watch, listen or play to build understanding and knowledge.

Please be aware by accessing the resources below you will be leaving TVO Learn and entering other TVO domains that are subject to different privacy policies and terms of use.

Complete the suggested activities using these resources and other TVO resources.

Apply the Learning

Choose from the following to consolidate learning across all curriculum strands.

  • Create your own definitions for 20 of the math words in the vocabulary list.

  • Create a monthly budget for yourself and include save, spend, give as the headings in your budget..

  • Use the area model to calculate a 2-digit multiplication question and explain how this connects to using algorithms.

  • Create a story problem that compares the values of 1/3 and 2/8.

  • Next time your family does a take out food order, calculate the total cost. Make sure you include all the taxes. Now compare the taxes with what you pay at the grocery store. What do you notice about the taxes at a restaurant compared to the taxes at the grocery store?

  • Create a design for a school playground and calculate how much the play structures you have chosen would cost.

  • Which is a better value for your money: for example, five apples for $1.00 versus three apples for 75 cents.

  • If two books cost $6, how would you calculate the cost of 8 books? Show how you know.

  • Using graph paper, how many different rectangles can you draw with a perimeter of 12 units? with an area of 12 square units?


Review this list of vocabulary associated with the curriculum. Practice spelling, research definitions, and find these vocabulary words when engaging with the TVO resources or completing learning activities.

Students should understand and be able to apply these words in context.

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Data
  • Spatial Sense
  • Financial Literacy

100 000 


decimal numbers 





multiplication facts 

0 × 0 to 12 × 12 




whole number


algebraic equations 

3 + x = 24 – 5 

algebraic expression 




growing pattern  

mathematical modelling  





shrinking pattern 


experimental probability


good data







sampling techniques

stacked-bar graph

theoretical probability









metric conversion 

metric system 



spatial sense 




cash transactions 










financial literacy 


mental math 



sales tax 

total cost 


