TVO Learn is designed to meet each student where they are on their learning journey. Learning Activities are comprehensive and require guided instruction from an adult, while Resources for Learning, Apply the Learning prompts and Vocabulary lists work well to reinforce specific skills or to enable independent exploration of a subject. Use these helpful tips to get the most from TVO Learn.
NOTE: Updates to the Language learning activities are in progress to align with Ontario’s new 2023 Curriculum Documents.
How to Use These Resources
Curriculum Overview
Language development is central to students’ intellectual, social, and emotional growth, and should be seen as a key element of the curriculum. The language curriculum is based on the belief that literacy is critical to responsible and productive citizenship. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve this goal.
When students learn to use language in the elementary grades, they do more than master the basic skills. They learn to value the power of language and to use it responsibly. They learn to express feelings and opinions and as they mature, to support their opinions with sound arguments and research. They become aware of the many purposes for which language is used and the diverse forms it can take. Language is the basis for thinking, communicating, and learning. Students need language skills in order to comprehend ideas and information and to interact socially as this will help students to thrive in the world beyond the classroom.
The language curriculum is divided into four strands:
- Oral Communication
- Reading
- Writing
- Media Literacy
Interested in learning more? View Curriculum PDF
For French resources, please visit
On this page:
Letter Recognition
Letter Recognition Resources
Discover fun and engaging ways to learn about Letter Recognition. These ad-free games and Learning Activities help children identify and understand letters.
Learning Activities
Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.
To access this learning activity, please visit this page in a desktop or tablet browser.
Active Listening
KWL Charts Help Us Understand Stories
Making Predictions
Point of View in a Story
Presentation Strategies
Share and Explain
Fact or Fiction?
Forms of Communication
Connecting with Stories
How to Make a Presentation Interesting
Beginning, Middle, End
It Looks Right and Sounds Right, But Does It Make Sense?
Fiction and Nonfiction Books
Text-to-Self Connections
Text-to-World Connections
Text-to-Text Connections
Making Predictions
Elements of a Story
Who is Telling This Story?
What's the Main Idea?
Book Review
Book Character Interview
How to Brainstorm Ideas for Writing: Ideas About Respect
Writing a First Draft
Revising a First Draft
Editing: Focus on Conventions
Publishing Written Work
Procedural Writing
Recount Writing
Narrative Writing
Persuasive Writing
Explanatory Writing
Report Writing
Poetry Writing
What Are Advertisements?
What Are They Selling?
Advertising Strategies
Slogans and Logos
Facts vs Opinion
Mindfulness Messages
All About Me
Favourite Family Memories
Which Advertising Type Works Best?
Analyzing Commercials
Product Design & Packaging
Book/Audio Book Movie Poster
Resources for Learning
Chosen by TVO educators, these resources support the curriculum outlined above. Review the below list of options along with the activities. Then, read, watch, listen or play to build understanding and knowledge.
Please be aware by accessing the resources below you will be leaving TVO Learn and entering other TVO domains that are subject to different privacy policies and terms of use.
Complete the suggested activities using these resources and other TVO resources.
Media Literacy
The Wacky Word Show | Spies
Zoey and Lukas explore cryptology and secret ways of communicating as they channel their inner spies. In the game show, kids answer spy-related questions and match the letters of their answers to the numbers on a cipher wheel. A computer programmer comes by and shows how he uses codes in his job.
Watch on TVOkids.comMedia Literacy
Power Hour of Learning | Order Up
Join teacher Joel as he asks viewers to think about the order of events. Learn how to plot a story summary and discuss how things have to happen in a particular order. Finally, although order is relevant to story writing and telling – order is also important in counting.
Watch on TVOkids.comMedia Literacy
Backyard Beats
Monica is inspired by professional guest musicians and junior jammers to build DIY craft-instruments, then they all come together for an epic Backyard Beats jam session.
Watch on TVOkids.comMedia Literacy
Power Hour of Learning | We Are Special
Join teacher Rabia as we explore how we are all special and different in our own ways and discuss what it means to be unique. You get to explore what might happen if we were all the exact same, have the same interests and looked the same. Brainstorm and learn how to use a planning sheet to list five things that make you unique. Design and create a poster of your uniqueness and be proud of your uniqueness in your own ‘All About Me’ poster.
Watch on TVOkids.comMedia Literacy
Power Hour of Learning | Activities with Friends & Family
Join teacher Rabia as we discuss favourite activities and memories with your friends and families. You will think about what you like to do with your families and friends. Is it is different from what your friends like to do with their families or friends? Reflect on how every family is different and how that is OKAY! Think back to how our differences are what make us unique. Even though our families can look different, they have similarities. Love, kindness and caring can be seen in different types of families.
Watch on TVOkids.comNumber
Power Hour of Learning | Let’s Make Magic!
Join teacher Joel as we explore the magic in words, numbers and talk about feelings. Teacher Joel will perform and model step by step problem-solving processes while performing math and word magic tricks. Learn about compound words (putting small words together) and decomposing (making smaller) numbers and use them as you create and learn the steps for your own magic show. Review social emotional learning strategies for when you feel upset, angry or sad.
Watch on TVOkids.comOral Communication
The Wacky Word Show | Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians Mummy mayhem ensues as Zoey and Lukas explore the many ways we can communicate with pictures, symbols and pictograms. In the game show, teams of kids find pictograms and discover that some languages also use symbols in their writing.
Watch on TVOkids.comOral Communication
The Wacky Word Show | Vikings
Turns out that English has hundreds of words from the Viking language, Old Norse, because Vikings invaded England over a thousand years ago. In the game show, kids have to describe a Viking-themed secret word to their teammate.
Watch on TVOkids.comOral Communication
Power Hour of Learning | What Just Happened?
Join teacher Kristy as shares strategies for re-telling. Strategies that include examining the beginning, middle and end. She also guides us through shrinking a story down to only select the most important details.
Watch on TVOkids.comOral Communication
Power Hour of Learning | Tell Me All About It
Join teacher Robert as he examines the relationship between people and their community. Robert discusses communication and the verbal and non-verbal language that we use to communicate.
Watch on TVOkids.comReading
Power Hour of Learning | Wonderful Words
Join teacher Kristy as she teaches viewers to spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies. Learn about vowels and the magic e-rule, as well as using rhyming families to spell words.
Watch on TVOkids.comReading
Homework Zone | How to Read Time
Teacher Troy gives viewers tips on reading time and reading elapsed time.
Watch on TVOkids.comReading
The Wacky Word Show | Chefs
Chefs Zoey and Lukas explore the many ways words affect how we feel about food and how sensory words can affect all five of our senses. Things get a bit squishy and sticky in the Touch and Tell game show when kids have to describe and guess what food is inside mystery boxes just by feeling it.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning|Environmental Earth Writing
Join teacher Kristy as we explore writing a draft about ways to keep the environment and our earth healthy. We will explore and record our ideas in a brainstorm. As drafting is the second stage of the writing process, we will write a draft to tell others about our ideas by identifying the topic, purpose, audience, sort and organize ideas, and then create and publish a short writing piece. Learn about the environment and our planet Earth and why it is important to keep our Earth healthy.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning |Heart Map Brainstorming
Join teacher Kristy as we learn all about Brainstorming and how to generate ideas about a potential topic using a Heart Map Organizer. We will learn different ways to think and gather information. We will record those ideas using a Heart Map and focus on the first step in the writing process: 1) Prewrite 2) Drafting 3) Revising 4) Editing and 5) Publishing.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning |Revising Your First Draft
Join teacher Kristy as we learn all about Revising in our writing and how to show our voice in our writing. We will explore and use nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Learn how to change ideas and words to make my writing just right. Explore the ‘word’ graveyard with teacher Kristy. We will focus on the third step in the writing process: 1) Prewrite 2) Drafting 3) Revising 4) Editing and 5) Publishing.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning | Publishing Written Work and Art in Stories
Join teacher Kristy where you will join in and become the author (writer) and the illustrator (artist) to make final revisions to produce a published written work. Learn the steps of the writing process which include: 1) Prewrite 2) Drafting 3) Revising 4) Editing and 5) Publishing. You will choose writing pieces to publish and explain the choice why. Review strategies that are helpful before, during and after writing.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning | What Could it Be?
Join teacher Kristy as we explore poetry and poems. Poetry is a group of words that show a feeling or tells an idea. There are many types of poems and many styles of poetry in writing. Recite some examples of poems which means it can be said out loud. A sensory poem uses the five senses to describe a topic. It asks the question, ‘What could it be?’ at the end. If the poet has done a good job describing the topic, the reader can guess what it is! Listen to the poem as it is read aloud. The letters in the topic of an acrostic poem are used to describe your topic. The topic word is written down the left side. For each letter, a word or phrases starting with that letter describes the topic. We follow the writing process while creating poetry.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning |Persuasive Writing
Join teacher Kristy as we explore persuasive writing and use a writing plan to state your opinion clearly to create a published opinion text. Learn about the writing plan including audience, topic, purpose, and form to state your opinion clearly to create a published opinion text. Learn how to give reasons and examples for your opinion. Follow the writing process steps: 1)Prewriting 2)Drafting 3)Revising 4)Editing 5)Publishing. Teacher Kristy models the writing plan using the audience, topic, purpose, and form in persuasive writing.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning | Make & Bake a silent-e Cake
Join teacher Joel explore things you like to do at home like making and baking bannock. In math, learn more about measurement using units of time: 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes. Learn about long vowels and silent letters by using silent ‘e’ words: bake, cake, make, time, pine, home, tube in your writing.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
Power Hour of Learning | Apple, Adjectives, and Animals - Oh My!
Join teacher Joel as he teaches viewers about adjectives and how they are used to describe things. We learn about acrostic poems and how to use all 5 of our senses when we think about descriptive words.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
The Wacky Word Show | Alice in Wonderland
Zoey and Lukas decide to create an Alice-in-Wonderland-like world filled with opposites, palindromes and tricky double negatives. With the help of their special guest, a psychologist and teacher who wrote a book in mirror writing, they try their hand at writing backwards.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
The Wacky Word Show | Pirates
There are over a million words in the English language and while most of them follow rules in the way they're spelled or sound, there are tons of exceptions. The Shipwreckers game show has kids wrecking their opponents' pirate ships by finding rule-breaking verbs.
Watch on TVOkids.comWriting
The Wacky Word Show | Pop Stars
Zoey and Lukas dream of being international pop stars as they explore all kinds of fun wordplay. Special guest, rapper and singer Hua Li, shares her tips on writing pop songs and raps. In the game show, kids have to answer questions with words that have the appropriate number of syllables.
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Apply the Learning
Choose from the follwing to consolidate learning across all curriculum strands.
Imagine reading a story, where a boy said to his friend, “You broke my airplane!” What helps you understand how he might be feeling? What do you think the boy might do next?
Think about your favourite fairy tale. Role-play or dramatize the story using puppets or props by retelling the fairy tale including the main idea and important events. Make sure you do this in the right order.
Think of a story you recently read or someone read to you. “Who was your favourite character and why?” “How did the ending of the story make you feel?”
Would your friends or parents like the same songs, movies, stories, games that you like? Why? Why not?
How can we use photographs to tell the story of a trip? What could we use in addition to the photographs to help visitors understand what we did on the trip?
Your doll has become the main character on your favourite TVO Kids show. What would be your doll’s name and what would they be like on the show? Would they be the hero or the villain? Why?
Write a sentence or two about something you have done and would like to share with your family or friends, remember to include pictures. For example, a recent experience at home, school or at the park.
Create your own definitions for 20 of the words in the vocabulary list.
Review this list of vocabulary associated with the curriculum. Practice spelling, research definitions, and find these vocabulary words when engaging with the TVO resources or completing learning activities.
Students should understand and be able to apply these words in context.